اتصل بشركة ركائز العراق

تواصل معنا للاستفسار عن منتجاتنا وخدماتنا التجميلية.

A collection of black and gold cosmetic containers arranged in a row. The set includes a jar, tubes, bottles with pumps, and a dropper bottle. Each item is designed with a matte black finish and shiny gold accents, giving a luxurious and elegant appearance. The products are labeled with the word 'cosmetic' and have simple, minimalistic typography.
A collection of black and gold cosmetic containers arranged in a row. The set includes a jar, tubes, bottles with pumps, and a dropper bottle. Each item is designed with a matte black finish and shiny gold accents, giving a luxurious and elegant appearance. The products are labeled with the word 'cosmetic' and have simple, minimalistic typography.


قم بزيارتنا لاستكشاف مستحضرات التجميل ومنتجات التجميل المتميزة لدينا والمصممة خصيصًا لتلبية احتياجاتك في قلب سوق العراق النابض بالحياة.


العراق - بغداد - الكرادة - عرصة الهندية - قطعة 929 - الزقاق 29 - المبنى رقم 12

ساعات العمل

9 صباحًا - 5 مساءً

تقدم ركائز العراق مستحضرات تجميل استثنائية تعزز روتين جمالي حقًا. أوصي بها بشدة لجودتها!

Sara Ahmed

A collection of luxury beauty products, including a tube of pink lipstick, a small bottle of perfume, and a tube of lotion, all from the brand Givenchy. They are arranged on a soft, white surface that contrasts with the sleek, metallic and pastel packaging.
A collection of luxury beauty products, including a tube of pink lipstick, a small bottle of perfume, and a tube of lotion, all from the brand Givenchy. They are arranged on a soft, white surface that contrasts with the sleek, metallic and pastel packaging.
A collection of makeup products is artfully arranged on a white surface. The assortment includes eyeshadow palettes, lipsticks, brushes, mascara, and various containers of powder and cream cosmetics. The items display brand names like Maxeybrow, Maxeylash, and BareMinerals.
A collection of makeup products is artfully arranged on a white surface. The assortment includes eyeshadow palettes, lipsticks, brushes, mascara, and various containers of powder and cream cosmetics. The items display brand names like Maxeybrow, Maxeylash, and BareMinerals.
